Create setup module for odoo and change company info

This is second article about creating setup module for odoo.
You can create setup module for odoo and change company info.

There is no need for installing modules one by one and after that change company name, address, phone numbers, vat number, logo etc.

With this code you can change company info:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <record id="base.main_company" model="">
 <field name="name">Your company</field>
 <field name="rml_header1"></field>
 <field name="currency_id" ref="base.HRK"/>
 <field name="street">Your address</field>
 <field name="zip">HR-10 000</field>
 <field name="city">Zagreb</field>
 <field name="country_id" ref=""/>
 <field name="email"></field>
 <field name="phone">+385 1 123 456</field>
 <field name="fax"> +385 1 123 456</field>
 <field name="website"></field>
 <field name="vat">HR12345678910</field>
 <field name="company_registry">1234567</field>


Complete module is available for download from github:

Related articles:


Create setup module for odoo and change company logo

This is first article about creating setup module for odoo.
You can create setup module for odoo and change company logo or add other customizations (module dependencies etc.).

There is no need for installing modules one by one and after that change company name, address, phone numbers, vat number, logo etc.

Please refer the following link to learn about creating a module in Odoo 8:

With this code you can change company logo:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import openerp
from openerp.osv import osv
from openerp import tools
import os
from import image_resize_image
class res_company(osv.osv):
 def init(self, cr):
   img=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'src', 'img','logo.png'), 'rb') .read().encode('base64')
   cr.execute('UPDATE res_partner SET image=%s WHERE is_company=TRUE', (img,))
   size = (180, None)
   cr.execute('UPDATE res_company SET logo_web=%s', (image_resize_image(img, size),))

1.) Inherit from
2.) Update default image in res_partner and res_company tables

Place your logo in static\src\img folder

Complete module is available for download from github:

Create setup module for odoo and change company logo

Related articles:

More soon…


Enable linux root access on Microsoft Azure Cloud

How to enable linux root access on Microsoft Azure Cloud

1. Login via ssh using your sudo user on your Microsoft Azure linux server

2. Now login as root user

[root@lin ~]# sudo su -

3. check if root access is set (LOCK means that root access is disabled)

[root@lin ~]# grep root /etc/shadow


4. enable root access  (as root user enter command passwd)

[root@lin ~]# passwd

5. Now enter your password and root access is enabled.

You can check this by using command “grep root /etc/shadow”

That’s all folks


Delete exim queue

Delete exim queue sometimes is impossible task.
There are just to many emails and queue manager is to slow.

You can use this dirty trick:

cd /var/spool/exim
find input -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
find msglog -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
service exim restart

This will erase all your emails from queue.

Enable POP before SMTP authentication

POP before SMTP authentication is not enabled by default as of cPanel & WHM 11.32.
You can enable this option from WHM > Service Configuration > Service Manager > Antirelayd.
SMTP authentication is still supported and enabled by default.