Odoo smtp server per user

Configure Odoo smtp server per user with #netjunky mail_server module.
You can still use other mail servers for mass mailing and system messages.

Setup is simple.

1) Make sure to check the technical features box for administrator user.

Settings/Users/Administrator/Technical Features

You can use #netjunky module company_setup for initial company setup.
This module will check the technical features box for administrator user automatically during installation.

Odoo smtp server per user

2) Download and install mail_server module

4) Add new mail server or change existing.
Settings/Email/Outgoing Mail Servers

5.) Choose user from the owner menu

Odoo smtp server per user


Related articles:

Github repository:


Odoo mass mailing

With #netjunky mail_server module Odoo mass mailing server can be different from default Odoo mail server.
This kind of functionality allows you to setup one mail server for everyday use and the other for mass mailing.

If document model is mail.mass_mailing.contact email is sent through mass mailing server.

You can use for example mandrill (first 12,000 emails per month are always free) or other transactional email service for mass mailing.

Usage of mail_server module is very simple.

1) Make sure to check the technical features box for administrator user.
Settings/Users/Administrator/Technical Features

You can use #netjunky module company_setup for initial company setup.
This module will check the technical features box for administrator user automatically during installation.

2) Download and install mail_server module

3) Add new mail server for mass mailing or change existing.
Settings/Email/Outgoing Mail Servers

Odoo mass mailing

Related articles:

Github repository:


Create setup module for odoo and check the technical features box for administrator user

This is third article about creating setup module for odoo.
You can create setup module for odoo and check the technical features box for administrator user.

There is no need for installing modules one by one and after that change company name, address, phone numbers, vat number, logo etc.

With this code you can check the technical features box for administrator user:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <data noupdate="0">
 <record id="base.group_no_one" model="res.groups">
 <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>

Complete module is available for download from github:
Create setup module for odoo and check the technical features box for administrator user


1.) Replace default logo with your company logo

2.) Populate company info (name, address,zip, city, country…) with the values from res_company_view.xml file

3.) Install other modules and dependencies from openerp.py file

4.) Checks the technical features box for administrator user.

5.) More soon…

Related articles:



Create setup module for odoo and change company info

This is second article about creating setup module for odoo.
You can create setup module for odoo and change company info.

There is no need for installing modules one by one and after that change company name, address, phone numbers, vat number, logo etc.

With this code you can change company info:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <record id="base.main_company" model="res.company">
 <field name="name">Your company</field>
 <field name="rml_header1"></field>
 <field name="currency_id" ref="base.HRK"/>
 <field name="street">Your address</field>
 <field name="zip">HR-10 000</field>
 <field name="city">Zagreb</field>
 <field name="country_id" ref="base.hr"/>
 <field name="email">info@yourcompany.com</field>
 <field name="phone">+385 1 123 456</field>
 <field name="fax"> +385 1 123 456</field>
 <field name="website">www.yourcompany.com</field>
 <field name="vat">HR12345678910</field>
 <field name="company_registry">1234567</field>


Complete module is available for download from github:

Related articles:



Create setup module for odoo and change company logo

This is first article about creating setup module for odoo.
You can create setup module for odoo and change company logo or add other customizations (module dependencies etc.).

There is no need for installing modules one by one and after that change company name, address, phone numbers, vat number, logo etc.

Please refer the following link to learn about creating a module in Odoo 8:


With this code you can change company logo:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import openerp
from openerp.osv import osv
from openerp import tools
import os
from openerp.tools import image_resize_image
class res_company(osv.osv):
 def init(self, cr):
   img=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'src', 'img','logo.png'), 'rb') .read().encode('base64')
   cr.execute('UPDATE res_partner SET image=%s WHERE is_company=TRUE', (img,))
   size = (180, None)
   cr.execute('UPDATE res_company SET logo_web=%s', (image_resize_image(img, size),))

1.) Inherit from res.company
2.) Update default image in res_partner and res_company tables

Place your logo in static\src\img folder

Complete module is available for download from github:

Create setup module for odoo and change company logo


Related articles:


More soon…